Dump Truck Maintenance Tips to Know

Dump Truck

You depend on your dump truck to work when it matters most to the project. You can’t have it buckling under the pressure. While buying a durable dump truck can help with this, no vehicle will perform at its best without proper maintenance. That’s why White’s International Trucks has provided some tips to help you out with this. We have locations all across North Carolina so contact us today with any additional questions you might have, or if you’re looking for help from one of our own experienced technicians. 

Locate the Owner’s Manual

The first step in any maintenance project is locating the owner’s manual for the vehicle. This is true for dump trucks and other motorized machines. While we can give you a few tips that will apply broadly to most dump trucks, the only way to know what kinds of maintenance checks your particular model requires is to consult the owner’s manual. There are usually sections on how to care for the vehicle, as well as a chart to track servicing records. It might even have some tips on specific products you should use. We highly recommend reviewing the information in the manual first, before diving into any maintenance projects. 

If you can’t locate the owner’s manual, try the manufacturer’s website. Many will have manuals you can download or order to replace one you lost.


Moving into the maintenance tips, let’s start with the battery. Of course, you’ll want to check the battery in the engine to make sure it’s fully charged and remove it when you won’t be using the truck for an extended period of time. 

But we’re not just talking about the engine battery. The dumping mechanism has its own battery to help it run smoothly and it’s also going to need a little maintenance. Make sure it’s fully charged, and even hooking it up to a trickle charge for weekends. The trouble is that the battery is often placed next to the hydraulics system. If it’s not fully charged, it’ll start leaking all over this system and affect operation. 

Pro tip: if the bed isn’t working properly, consider checking the area near the battery for excess fluid. 

Tire Check

As with any vehicle, the tires and the wheels are the foundation of proper function. If they blow, everything goes straight to the pits. Make sure you’re checking them every morning before using the truck. This includes testing tire pressure and inspecting them for signs of damage or excess wear and tear. If you expect the truck to not be used for a while, make sure you’re moving the vehicle once or twice a month to avoid too much prolonged pressure on one spot of the tires. 

It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on the spare. Nobody wants to have to deal with a flat and then realize your spare is shot, too. 


Speaking of hydraulics, this is another unique part of a dump truck you might not be familiar with. It’s the system that raises and lowers the dump bed and there are certainly things that can go wrong. The last thing you want is for the bed to be stuck high up in the air. 

If you do find yourself in this position, though, locate the coils by the pump. Loosen the nuts of each coil and then switch them. This might allow you to lower the bed so you can get the truck to a professional. This isn’t a permanent solution though, so make sure the next stop is the mechanic’s shop. 

With the right plan, you can continue to use your dump truck for years and years before needing to replace it. Not every operation can afford an on-site technician, so if you’re looking for a service department to help you out, contact White’s International Trucks. We have locations all across North Carolina, so let us know how we can assist you!