Truck Driving Tips


No matter how experienced you are, driving a truck requires discipline. It involves taking good care of your vehicle and your health. An unmaintained truck will more than likely have you dealing with engine breakdowns, and driving while being exhausted puts your life at risk. 

White’s International Trucks is here to help you be the best truck driver you can be. Below we have listed some of the most important truck driving tips to help you reach your destination safely. And for the best deals on trucks, visit our store today! We have dealerships throughout North Carolina. 

Truck Maintenance

To minimize the probability of roadside breakdowns and boost your truck’s performance, keep your truck in tip-top shape. Keeping up with its basic maintenance is fairly easy and goes a long way. Ensure that regular oil changes are made, top off all fluids to the proper level, and make sure your tires are in good condition. 

If you notice or hear anything unusual while running your truck, don’t hesitate to take it to a professional for evaluation. Some components may be worn out and require urgent replacement. 

Inspect Your Truck

Just because you maintain your truck regularly does not mean you should skip the inspection process before hitting the road. Make it a habit to walk around your truck and see if you spot any issues. You will want to test out some features, too. 

A good practice is to turn on your engine and let it run for some minutes before hitting the road. This can let you know if you have a dead battery so you can deal with the issue as soon as possible. Proceed to check your lights and make sure that no bulbs are burnt out. A good tip is to always have extra bulbs inside your truck. You never know when one will need to be replaced. You also will want to check each tire’s air pressure using a tire gauge.

Rest Well

Driving a truck for hours leads to exhaustion, and exhaustion leads to sleepiness which is the cause of many truck accidents. Therefore, before your long trip, ensure you get a good amount of sleep. If you’re on the road and feel like your eyes are shutting down, find the nearest gas station or rest area to take a nap, have a snack, and re-energize. Don’t try to push your limits, even if you’re running behind schedule. 

Eat Healthily

What you eat contributes to how well you feel. Avoid eating fast food and sweet snacks. They make you feel tired even if you had a good night’s sleep. Stick to healthier snacks such as fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water. Of course, you can drink coffee, especially if you’re feeling drowsy. 

We hope this information is helpful to you and you become the best truck driver you can be. We invite you to stop by White’s International Trucks to have a chat with us and check out our top-of-the-line trucks for sale. We also provide lease and rental services. For your convenience, we have several dealerships across North Carolina. Let us serve you today!